Project Areas

Ebre river, the biggest river in the Iberian peninsula in terms of discharge volume (18.217 HM3/year), bathes a sixth part of Iberian peninsula surface (88.835 km2) and forms the fourth largest delta in the Mediterranean area (350km2). It is worth mentioning its great value for humanity due to its availability of fresh water and fertile land, and its great richness in flora (endangered taxa such as Limonium densissimum and Limonium giberti) and also in icthyological fauna (with endemic species such as Spanish toothcarp and Valencia toothcarp) and ornithological (with more than 56.000 nesting couples of waders, ardeid birds, anatidae, gulls, etc..)

In particular, the project area is the final stretch of Ebre River (from Flix to the mouth), Ebre Delta and the Delta sea coastline.

The main project targeted areas are

Xerta dam

Ascó lock

Flix dam

Total surface of targeted area: 48,687.000 ha

EU protection status


  • SPA X NATURA 2000 Codi : ES0000020
  • pSCI X NATURA 2000 Codi : ES0000020

Other protection status according to national or regional legislation

  • EIN i Reserva natural de fauna salvatge de la ribera de l’Ebre a Flix
  • EIN i Reserva natural de fauna salvatge de les Illes de l’Ebre
  • Riberes i Illes de l’Ebre. Codi Natura 2000: ES5140010.
  • Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre, inclou 23 hàbitats d’Interès Comunitari, 13 hàbitats aquàtics i un d’interès Prioritari, i 89 espècies protegides: 4 d’amfibis/rèptils, 75 d’ocells, 5 de mamífers i 1 de plantes.
  • ZEPA. “Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves Delta de l’Ebre
  • Zona Humida d’Importància Internacional d’acord amb la Convenció Ramsar de 1992.
  • Carta Europea de Turisme Sostenible.
  • Des de Maig 2013, Xarxa Mundial de Reserves de la Biosfera.