ACTION D.1: Monitoring the pilot project of sturgeon restocking
Development of studies to determine Migration behavior in the Ebre River and estuary system, Location of suitable habitats and Movement along migration barriers.
Execution dates: from 01-03-2016 to 31-12-2017
Sturgeons arrived from France are well acclimatized at IRTA aquaculture center
Sturgeons arrived from France are properly acclimatized at the IRTA aquaculture center in Sant Carles de la Ràpita.
European sturgeon returns to Ebre river
Months and months of international coordination, preparations and preliminary work to bring 4 European sturgeon specimens (Acipenser sturio) to Ebre territory. Specifically to the facilities that IRTA has in Sant Carles de La Ràpita, where they…
Eel marking at Ebre river
After data gathering and with anew location for the new river data receivers, this Autumn 2018, PNDE, IRTA and CERM technical experts have been working together in electrical fishing to capture, measure and mark adult…
Sea lampreys at Ebro Delta?
LIFE Migratoebre experts are working during this month of September together with a research team from Santiago de Compostela University, leaded by Fernando Cobo, to check if there still are lamprey (fry) populations at the lower…
New radio transmitters and receivers at Ebre river
With the purchase of new ultrasound transmitters and receivers, LIFE Migratoebre team will mark more migratory fish specimen at Ebre river. With these receivers the reading will be easier as it can be connected with…
Monitoring of river receivers
From the 28th to 30th August 2018 specialised divers are working to recover all ultrasound receivers which were placed along the river and at Delta. With this job all receivers will be recovered and replaced…
Eels radio tracking in Ebre river
Last 2017 November some electric fishing was done to catch and tag with radiotransmitters migratory fish, and in particular adult eels. About 60 specimen from this species have been caught and tagged, and will be…
Migratory fish marking and monitoring
During the month of May 2017 electric fishing has taken place in Ebre river to capture migratory fish, mark them with radio trasmitters and release them up-river. At the same time radio receivers have been…